A startup business plan is a written document that outlines your ideas and strategies for launching, managing, and eventually exiting your new venture. A well-constructed business plan can be crucial to the success of any entrepreneurial endeavor.
Module 9- Business Study
To know the value of learning Aromatherapy.
To know the career that involves in Aromatherapy.
To explore and analysis the procedures for starting a business.
To learn the management of a business.
To know and identify legal issues associated with starting and managing a business.
To learn critical thinking to evaluate and implement marketing strategies for a business.
Course Learning Outcomes
Key factors to start a business.
Advertising guidelines.
Licensing and legal guidelines.
Business Management.
Business study and report.
Business plan report.
Important Topics
The value of Aromatherapy.
The career related to Aromatherapy.
Business start-up plan.
Business advertising and legal guidelines.
Business Management.
Business Study.